Writing Tips

Find Your Unique Voice – There’s only one you. You are unique. Your hopes, thoughts, and dreams are unique.

  1. Make Your Words Burst to Life in Readers’ Minds – use words evoking sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell to paint strong scenes in the minds of their readers.
  2. Edit Like Crazy – you need to spend just as much time editing your words as you do creating them. It can be hard work. It’s kind of boring. But it’s important.
  3. Include creative headings – Writing a great intro is one way to interest readers in your story. Write to create curiosity and show that your content is worth reading.
  4. Write like you have something to say.  Most of us are limited in the amount of time we have available to write make it count.
  5. Craft interesting headlines – Headlines are important. Practice writing them.
  6. Avoid filler words – Too many writers dilute their writing with empty words.
  7. Write with Rhythm – Too many short sentences in a row and your writing will bore your readers. Too many long sentences in a row and you’ll overwhelm them. So, mix things up. Let the rhythm of your words dictate when each paragraph begins, and you’ll strike up the perfect balance between short paragraphs and long.
  8. Kick Writer’s Block in the butt – If you want to be a better writer, find a writer’s technique or two that works for you.
  9. Be Funny if it’s appropriate – try to entertain while you inform.
  10. Write with Clarity – express your thoughts in a clear, coherent way. Ask yourself this question: Could I explain my content to someone in one sentence?
  11. Make your posts so that that are effortless to read and easy to absorb.
  12. Good writers make each sentence flow seamlessly into the next.
  13. Think about what you would like your readers to remember about what you wrote.
  14. Some writers like to keep a detailed Logbook – When are you more effective writing in the mornings? Afternoons? Evenings? Are you better writing after your first cup of tea/coffee? Find the method in your madness and use it to become a better writer.
  15. Just open that story (Then Keep Going) – Oftentimes, getting started is the hardest part about writing. So, start small. Just open the document. Then write your first sentence.
  16. If you’re stuck on a piece of writing or simply need fresh eyes, try writing in a non-linear order. Don’t start at the beginning of your post. Start in the middle. Or the end. Mix up your writing process.
  17. Challenge Yourself to Write in Weird Places – Having a designated writing space (especially when you’re working from home) is important. However, writing in different places from time to time can spark creativity. Give it a try.
  18. You know knowledge that’s not put into practice is wasted. That’s why you have some ideas picked out to start your writing process and it’s why you can’t wait to start writing. On its own, even the best writing tip is incapable of teaching you how to write well. But each one, little by little, can help you hone your writing skills. We wish the best in developing your stories and your writing skills.